The method of Streltsov's of improvement
of the electric conductivity of a wire or the foil,
made from amorphous metals.

The room-temperature superconductivity?          Technology of receiving of room superconductivity in Russian

In last years, after opening of the high-temperature superconducting ceramics the scientific community has laid down for itself the aim to receive so-called " room-temperature superconductivity ".

Here and the president of Russia Medvedev recently in the epistle spoke about the room-temperature superconductivity:

However, how much I know, nobody from researchers cannot offer the technology, which allowed to solve a problem. There can be an idea, stated here, will allow to technologists to move from "a dead centre".

The declared mode is based on the experience, described in magazine "The science and a life" № 11 for 1990 in article: "New professions of a tunnel microscope", where it has been talk about making by means of a tunnel microscope of the channel of ideal conductivity of an electric current in a drip of the epoxy (in the dielectric!).

This experience is so interesting, that, certainly, deserves so as here I showed the corresponding paragraph from specified article:


room-temperature superconductivity ...But the tunnel microscope can create and a greater miracle.
How it is known, the electric current can pass loss-free through
ideally built molecular structure.
However to build molecules of substance, how the soldiers on a parade-ground, not is simple, and it is even more complex to compel them "to hold an alignment", not paying attention to thermal movement bringing chaos. In a strong electric field between a needle and a substrate molecular chains will are built along electric field lines. For example, at submission of a electric voltage the molecules of water vapours, which by a thin layer sink in on a substrate and on a needle, have formed "goblet with leg" and in such leg the molecular bunch has got unique singularity. The resistance did not vary irrespective of length of a leg. It means, that in this zone the resistance became vanishingly small.
Unfortunately, the remarkable
effect of ideal conductivity at once disappears at interruption of a electric voltage. But we have very big wish to preserve this effect. And it too managed to be made. It is necessary to immerse a tungsten needle in a drip of the epoxide resin. In the center of the dielectric arises not only the small cylinder from molecules of ideal conductivity. By means of a usual hardener it is not difficult to preserve this quality for ever.
Surprising microconductor can sustain, and not dissolve, at the density of a electric current up in billion amperes on square centimeter!

The tunnel nanotechnology in a cradle. How the baby Gerakl, this technology makes miracles already and in this condition. But its main feats, certainly, in future. So remember a new word. He promises to mankind the big changes.



It is possible to tell, that in this clause is described the successful experiment, in which making of reception of the room superconductivity - vanishingly small resistance of the conductive channel, kept and at a room temperature.

Right, than it not room-temperature superconductivity?!


The specified experience allows to hope, that if we will do the quickly freeze of the liquid metal, through which we passes an electric current, then we can receive in the frozen product such structure of disposition of atoms, which will show smaller resistance to an electric current. Probably, even it will be possible to receive and so-called the room-temperature superconductivity.

For realization of the specified mode of improvement of electric conductivity of products from amorphous metals (a wire or a foil) we can use the standard equipment already applied in the industry, for example, the equipment for manufacturing of a wire by a method of the extrusion molten metal through cooling liquid, you can see drawing 1:

room-temperature superconductivity

Drawing 1.


Where by numbers are designated: 1 - the molten metal, 2 - a cooling liquid, 3 - a source of an electric current.

Thus the electric current continuously go along through all product, because we connected the one pole of a source of an electric voltage to molten metal, and of the other pole - to already generated part of a product (to already blackdrawn wire). The electric current can be connected through the conductive platens or a cooling liquid. Thus, the eclectic current during the further manufacturing of a wire continuously proceeds through that area of a product where there is a congelation of the liquid molten metal in of a solid state. Due to passage of an electric current through liquid the atoms of metal in addition to amorphous structure of disposition, which be characteristic for a liquid, obtain also and some orderliness in disposition (the anisotropy) - then they will built so that better to spend an electric current.

In the further at fast cooling of the molten metal this additional orderliness will trapped (frozen) in a solid product and, as a consequence, in a product (in a wire or a foil) arises the lengthy channel of the improved electroconductivity.

In the specified technological process the amplitude of the electric current, which passed through a wire or a foil, varies gradually from zero (during the moment of capture by the conductive platens of the end of a wire or a foil), up to some constant value. Thus the small part of a wire or a foil through which the electric current did not proceed at the initial stage of manufacturing , will have usual (big) electric resistance. In the further this small part "tail" should be cut off from a ware.

Quite probably, that at corresponding selection of a chemical compound of the melt of metal and technological regimes (the value of an electric current, thickness of the ware, ...) we will can receive and the zero resistance of a wire. I.e. as a matter of fact to receive the ware, which will have property of
the room-temperature superconductivity.

We can answer to all these questions only experimentally.

The idea of technological process, which I describe here, is very simple, therefore I cannot assert with full certainty, what earlier nobody did not try to carry out similar experiments.

However, I am, the author of it Web the site, did not meet in Internet of the sources of the information, in which somebody would express the similar ideas on improvement of electric conductivity of a wire or a foil, or methods of production of room-temperature superconductivity. Perhaps, only on Web site of the D. N. Ermakov's, of the president of the Universe Unity Corporation, exists the describe of the mode, which is little reminding of the idea of technological process, stated here by me. For comparison I can offer to interested visitors of the copy of page from Web site of the D.N. Ermakov's, where he describes the technology of getting of the room-temperature superconductivity (in this copy I are disconnected references to other pages of Web site D.N. Ermakov's, so as the visitors did not go to him from my page).

I have highly estimated Ermakov's as the webmaster.
However I wish to tell at once, that I no can agree with theoretical ideas D.N. Ermakov, and I consider, that him the
method of getting of room-temperature superconductivity is erroneous.

Nevertheless, just acquaintance with creative work of the D. Ermakov's has induced me to overcome the laziness and, at last, to submit the corresponding application in Rospatent, and then make public this Web site in the Internet. I already for a some time had the described here the idea of reception of
the room-temperature superconductivity, but there was no desire to take trouble with the application in Rospatent. And only after acquaintance with creative work of Ermakov's for me it became clear, what « the competitors close on the heels » and to hesitate more is impossible.
Originally I searched on a Web site of the Ermakov's "the airplanes of 5 - 6 generations, the work which based on the Biefeld - Brown effect". This information was necessary to me for creation of other mine the enough a popular Web site from which I have made the reference to the own main Web site with description of method of the nuclear synthesis: As a matter of fact, just the necessity of redirection of a stream of visitors on wash the main Web site with the decision of a problem of nuclear synthesis and has compelled me to write here so in detail about Ermakov and to create the whole network of additional Web sites with references, including and this. I hope, that the technical idea, stated here by me, will be interesting to professionals and visitors of this Web site about the room-temperature superconductivity in gratitude will do to me small service - will do visit of other my Web sites and thus they will increase their rating at search machines of the Internet.)

Now we shall discuss some additional questions

The wire (the foil) with the improved electroconductivity, received by the mode, described here, can find use in various sensors, aerials, generators, electromagnets, etc.

Besides it is quite probable, that owing to the declared mode it will be possible to make the multiple cables, which allow to transfer the electric power on a greater distances with small losses. (In this case we can use just the multicore cables, where in one bunch we keep within a lot of thin wires from the amorphous alloys with the improved electric conductivity, isolated from each other. Elementary physical reasonings allow to draw a conclusion, what to make continuous thick, i.e. not from a set thin wires, the cable with improved electroconductivity in the specified way will not be possible.)

Also I wish to pay attention to a some circumstances:

The firstly, probably, that prospective effect of improvement of electric conductivity will very strongly depend from deformation of a ware (of a wire or a foil) and he can be irreversible, i.e. disappear at strong bends in consequence of the deformative destruction of the atomic structure of the channel of the improved conductivity.

Secondly, in that case if owing to the declared mode it will be possible to receive a long thin wire (or of a foil) with vanishingly small electric resistance, by analogy to how it is described in mentioned article from magazine « the Science and a life », then in the multicore cables consisting from several parallel isolated from each other thin wires, it is necessary to provide use of the measures which are carrying out uniform distribution of the electric current on all wires of a cable (on all section of a cable). Otherwise there is a threat of serial «burnout» of all wires of a cable. The affair in that, that the resistance of each thin wire, which we use into the multicore cable, by virtue of inevitable disorder of parameters will differ from other wires. Suppose this difference in electric resistance of each wire will be vanishingly small, but at vanishingly small resistance of each wire becomes clear, that at connection of a multiple cable to a source of a voltage in the usual way the basic part of an electric current will go through that wire of a cable, which will have the least resistance. Thus in case of excess of the certain critical value of the electric current, moving in a thin wire, which we use in a cable, there can be an irreversible deterioration of its electroconductivity - "burnout".
Then an electric current will go already through other wire of a cable which till this moment had little bit greater resistance. As a result the second wire of a cable also will lose the electroconductive properties, etc. - and so be until the conductivity of all thin wires, which we use in a cable, serially will not worsen.

To prevent serial burnout of thin wires of a multicore cable we can use following connection of a cable, how you see on a drawing 2.

room-temperature superconductivity

Drawing 2.


Where I is conditionally shown the long multicore cable, which consist from three thin wires. On each such wire, which use into a cable, there is the electronic equipment, for preventing increase of value of an electric current above a certain level (on a drawing 2 this device is conditionally designated by a rheostat, operated by the ammeter).


Would seem, if we will use the rheostats (the ohmic limiting device of a electric current), connected consistently, then it not give advantage of the given technology, because it deprives she of the property of superconductivity. However it is necessary to tell at once, that we in any case for very lengthy power line will not manage to receive absolute (ideal) superconductivity for that simple reason, that we cannot make CONTINUOUS infinitely long thin wire. For cleanly technological reasons these thin wires we somewhere will have to cut (at least for convenience of transportation), and then, already at assembling of a transmission line « in a field service», - we will connect they. And here in junctions ohmic resistance will be distinct from zero. I.e. we can not achieve the absolute (ideal) superconductivity for the lengthy power lines, it will not be possible - speech can go only about decrease in losses by means of decrease in ohmic resistance. And uses of such power line will demand preliminary careful engineering calculations. So introduction of automatic ohmic limiting device in a circuit of such lines is perfectly admissible.
(It is necessary to tell, that all researchers of
effect of superconductivity sooner or later will collide with a problem of connection of separate short superconducting wires in one long cable. Even if the technologists and will offer other way of receiving of the room superconductivity, distinct from described here, for example, on the basis of any exotic ceramics. And in this case the technologists will have to reflect on, how to join the ends of ceramic wires without infringement of electric conductivity. After all hardly probable what on a long power line for maintenance of numerous connections it will be expedient to use buckets with the mercury, cooled up to temperatures of liquid helium.)

For consecutive connection of two thin quasi-superconductive wires simple twisting or a hot soldering are of little use. It is possible to try to connect two quasi-superconductive thin wires by means of two copper plates with gold evaporation, with pulling together their by bolts. And here at first the thin quasi-superconductive wires should be preliminary welded to these plates by means of cold vacuum welding:


room-temperature superconductivity


For transfer of an alternating current on greater distances we can use other mode of prevention of serial burnout of the wires in multicore cables, how you see on the drawing 3:

room-temperature superconductivity

Drawing 3.

Where numbers 1 and 2 designate the input transformer and the output transformer, by numbers 3 and 4 - two long multicore cables (in our case the triple-core cable).

Between wires, using into cables, the transformer decoupling is used - the each pair of wires in the cables are connected only to the own coils. Distribution of a variable electric current on all wires of multicore cables will steady.
Besides it is necessary to note, that at such connection at any moment in each wire of the multicore cables 3 or 4 electric current flows in one direction, i.e. the difference of electric potentials between separate wires in each cable is minimal, what reduces probability of electric breakdown of isolation between wires of a cable.

In quality of funny case it is possible to consider an opportunity of creation of plastic superconductive wires.

Resulted at beginning of it Web site a fragment of article from magazine "The science and a life" opens an opportunity of creation of such
plastic superconductive wires (we shall recollect, that in article, which I resulted at the beginning, was a question of the receive of the channel of ideal conductivity in a drop of the epoxide resin, i.e. in plastic). Thus, we have an opportunity to receive the polymeric filament, which will possess property to spend an electric current. For technologists this process will not represent the big complexity, because around of us already many synthetic fabrics, received by means of the punching of polymeric mass through of the filament extrusion device. In the given case it is possible to use the similar equipment, how you can see in drawing 4, where the initial stage of manufacturing of the filament is represented.

room-temperature superconductivity

Drawing 4.

By means of the numbers 1 and 2 I designate - the needles, similar to what are applied in tunnel microscopes. Since these needles have small thickness, then they will easily be located along an axis of the ceramic forming plate 3.

At an initial stage of process of an edge of needles are connivent together with each other, therefore under action of the strong electric voltage in the polymeric mass 4, which fill the aperture of the ceramic forming plate, the primary channel of ideal conductivity is formed (I show his on the drawing by red color).
Later the process for spinning filament begins - the needle 2 is gradually put forward from of the ceramic forming plate and, remaining under electric voltage, gradually move off from she in process of stretch of a polymeric filament 5 (see drawing 5). Hardening of a superconducting plastic filament will is carried out at a room temperature by chemical method - the elongated filament 5 right away after of the ceramic forming plate will solidified in a chemical solution-hardener.


room-temperature superconductivity

Drawing 5.

So it is possible to try to receive the plastic superconductivity filaments. We can connect the electric current to such the plastic superconductivity filaments only through needles 1 and 2.


The little note not to a theme.

Recently in newspapers and on TV begin much to speak   about an opportunity of creation so-called "Avatar" - remotely controlled anthropomorphous robot. For example, recently the DARPA has declared, that the government of the USA apportion 7 million dollars on researches in this area ( talk be about creation of fundamentally new interface between the person and robot). These researches try to present as sensation. In reality the problem of remote control of robot in the theory already for a long time is solved:

remote control of robot